Traffic Enforcement in Victoria

Radar Detectors

Bel 645STi+ Radar Detector

Radar detectors are illegal to buy, sell, own and use in the State of Victoria. With that out of the way, a radar detector is simply a type of radio receiver that is tuned to frequencies that traffic radar use, and emit an alarm when it receives those fr equencies. The use of RD’s is very risky in Victoria because of the use of Radar Detector Detectors by the Victorian Police Force to enforce the ban of these devices. Some RD manufactures produce ‘undetectable’ detectors which do not produce emissions w hich are detectable to RDD’s. Some of those claims are false, others are authentic. Not all will work against RDD’s used in Victoria.
The maximum straight line range of a current RD against Victorian hand held and moving radar is about 5km, though this is a best case scenario which never happens! Most radar encounters I find are under 1km, within range of the radar gun. Cameras on the otherhand are a different matter, heading towards a speed camera with the beam towards you, average detection is under 200 metres, and coming from the rear of the camera, detection is on average less than 50 metres.

News which has come to hand is that if a police officier detects or suspects you have RD in your vehicle, he cannot search your vehicle for the RD under the "Radar Detector ACT" as we have been lead to believe, the only acts he can search you vehicle unde r the Stolen Goods Act, and the Drugs Act. Your vehicle is a part of you property and is treated the same way as you house, in that case a warent would be required. Note that this is a report, and will certainly be investigated further.

Radar Detector Tests

Car Audio And Electronics, March 1994.
4 Wideband Radar/Laser Detectors
1. Bel 635i
2. Escort Passport 4500
3. Cobra RDL-512SW
4. Uniden LRD 9000W-1

Car Audio And Electronics, March 1995.

Car And Driver, 1994.
Five high end Radar & Laser Detectors
1. Valentine One
2. Bel 645STi+
3. Passport 4500
4. Cobra
5. Uniden

Car And Driver, September 1995.
Five Budget Radar Detectors (Under US$100)
1. Uniden LRD 2200SW
2. Fox Vixen Pro
3. Whistler 1140
4. Bel 535i
5. Cobra RDL-212SW

Autotronics, February 1995.
Four high end Radar & Laser Detectors
1. Bel 645STi+
2. Uniden 9900SW
3. Whistler 1290
4. Escort Passport 5000

Radar Detector manufactures online:

Cincinati Microwave

Cobra Electronics