Traffic Enforcement in Victoria

Speed Cameras (Photo Radar)

Victorian speed cameras are imported from Holland of the Gatsometer brand (the same lot who make the red light cameras), with the camera mounted on the dash, a radar antenna of about 10cm by 50cm black box mounted on the bumper bar of the photo fuzz car, and a strobe flash unit which is sometimes not used during the day to reduce the speed camera being noticed, as the flash is the give away to the average motorist of the photo fuzz car. The beam is shot across the road at about a 22° angle, and is good for about 40-50 metres. They operate on K-band, at about .5mw. The units can check vehicles in both directions, from the front and behind. The Gatsometer photo radar has the ability to be used in moving radar mode, ie. the police can drive around with the radar operating, taking photos of speeders, but Victorian Police do not use this feature, using it only stationary.

Gatso camera unit, minus car install

For those who wondered that the unit on a bridge on the Hume Highway in the Broadford area is a speed camera, it is not. It is a camera system to time interstate trucks average speed with other cameras hunderds of kms down the highway, except some nice citizen has taken a shotgun to it, so it no longer works!
While the Victorian Police Force only has 54 units, reliable reports I have been given say at any one time, only about half are operating due to breakdowns.

Speed Camera Database

See the official information on speed camera from the Victoria Police Traffic Camera Office on the Victoria Police Speed Camera Program

Speed Cameras used in Australia

Speed Cameras used in Australia
New South WalesAWA/FaireyK-band
South AustraliaAWA/FaireyK-band
Western AustraliaMultanovaKa-band
Northern TerritoryNone-